Saturday, April 27, 2019

Overview of Diabetes, Digestion and Diabetes: Treatments

Overview of Diabetes, Digestion and Diabetes: Treatments

 Diabetes prevents body cells to process blood glucose.  Diabetes is a disease of metabolism, digestion and lifestyle. Having a sedentary lifestyle and no physical work are causing absorption problems and results in diabetes. In fact naturopathy resolves all the questions of diabetes. Nature cures diabetes as a disease of digestion in which carbohydrates do not digest properly.  So in naturopathy all the treatments relating to digestion have to apply in curing diabetes.
What’s Diabetes? :
Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which high blood sugar (glucose) levels develops due to defects in insulin secretion or its action or both.
It is reasonably good to recognize that fermentation in the digestive system generates toxins in the whole body. Due to this acidic condition of body pancreas stop secretion of insulin; results in improper digestion of carbohydrates and imbalance of glucose in the blood. In this condition sugar starts slippage in urine.
Many people would not satisfy with this fact.  Generally, deficiency of insulin really tends satisfactory. This theory was propounded by insulin researcher, Frederic Grant Banting in 1891.  He was also awarded with Nobel Prize for his research.  In the beginning it was established that diabetes was a disease of pancreas and caused due to less secretion of insulin.  But today it is not acceptable because pancreas of youngster patients secrete insulin in ample or more than required.  Thus, it should be proclaimed that original root cause of diabetes is not secretion of insulin but the ineffectiveness of insulin due to some other reason.
Insulin was discovered years ago, but even today there are many questions on the fundamental nature of diabetes. If insulin continues to be secreted by pancreas normally, person is diabetic, in that case it clarifies that the cause of diabetes discovered was not correct.  This is the point to be taken for further study and research.

Types of Diabetes:
There are three types of diabetes:
Type 1, type 2 and
Type 1:  This type develops when your body fails to produce insulin.  Patients of this type must take artificial insulin daily to remain alive.
Type 2:   Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which cells become resistant to insulin. So it cannot use glucose properly to generate energy. Insulin transports the sugar into our cells.  Therefore the patient will have elevated blood sugar.  It results in inflammation in the body and become soaring unhealthy state in the nerves, kidneys and cardiovascular system.
Gestational:  it happens with pregnant women when they become diabetic, called gestational.  It occurs usually with pregnant women because women often long for sugar during pregnancy. 
Symptoms of diabetes:
·       Increase urine output
·       Excessive thirst
·       Weight loss
·       Starvation
·       Skin burning
·       Tiredness
·       Slow healing wounds
·       Regular High blood pressure
Natural Remedies for Diabetes:
1.   Take hip bath for 5 minutes daily in the morning
2.   A forty-five minutes morning walk daily after hip bath
3.   Take the same two steps mentioned above in the evening also
4.   Take 250 grams of tomatoes and 250 grams of yogurt in the breakfast
5.   Take wholegrain bread and 250 grams of boiled vegetables, salads and yogurt
6.   From the first day of treatment mud wrap on lower belly and enema and hip bath should be taken on regular basis

Saturday, April 13, 2019

What does the water do for you?

What does the water do for you?

Potable water is life for human beings.  Survival of entire world is based on water. Therefore, even in acute unavailability of water, situation  may not be imposed  a complete ban on drinking of water because absolute scarcity of water leads to xerostomia, languor and this can even cause death. Neither healthy nor the patient can subsist without water.
Water is a solvent in which toxins are soluble and it is only agent which can flush out the toxins from the body.  If you do not drink enough water, your body toxemias and will be abide of different diseases.  Health authorities recommend one glass of water per 20 pounds weight of individual per day.(One glass= 250grams water).   
 Why should we drink water?
There are many evidence-based reasons to drink plenty of water. Human body is made up of 2/3rd water, give or take. If a person`s weight is 150 pounds then he contains 100 pounds of water. Our bodies generate toxins continuously through day and night until we breathe last.  If these toxins are not released from body, can impair our health, person fell ill, various diseases make abode in the body. These toxins are dissolved in water, which flush them out of the body in form of sweat, urine etc.  In this way the water level of the body decreases, hence we should drink water to fulfill the water reserve.
Almost all the chronicle diseases are caused due to the creation of toxins in the body. The main cause of this auto- toxicity is drinking less water. Some people advise that we should drink water when occurs thirst. But this is not right. This is OK only in that situation when we intend naturally to drink water. But the natural intention elapses in the childhood and even before that. So we should create a habit to drink enough water. Staying hydrate is important, if we do not stay hydrate our physical as well as mental performance suffer. In case of dehydration physical work become more difficult due to increased fatigue.  This condition is detrimental to working memory and increased anxiety and fatigue.  Your body loses about 1.5-2 kilograms weight easily through normal daily activities. During exercise and high heat our bodies lose more water comparatively.  It is advisable to drink about 2 liters or eight 8 ounce glasses per day.  More or less, requirement for water depends on individual`s internal and external factors. If you do not stay hydrated throughout the day your energy level of body and mind start to suffer.Your endurance level reduces and physical performance affects negatively even due to mild dehydration.
Main Benefits of Drinking Water:
1.     Increases Brain Energy:  Are you feeling mentally tired?  Need some energy, skip the cup of coffee or tea and drink a glass of fresh water.  Your brain is made of nearly 70% water. Drinking water helps you feel fresh, think smartly and concentrate on your task. Thus the energy level of your brain increases.  Just a mild dehydration of 2% impairs performance of brain. Drink water refreshes your mood and sharpens memory.
2.    Flush out toxins:  Toxins are soluble in water; it dissolves them and flushes them out in form of sweat and urine.  This also prevents kidney stones and urinary tract infections. Suppose toxins are floating through your body. Water is the canal that floats toxins out. If water level decreases slightly then the toxins get stuck and cause harm.  Thus the drinking water makes your body clean by flushing out the waste through sweat and urination.

3.    Water regulates body`s cooling system:  One of the most important functions of drinking water is regulating the body`s cooling system by sweating.  Sweating is the natural activity of body and water is the main ingredient of sweat.  Enough water is required by body to regulate this process of perspiration to maintain body`s temperature.
4.    Drinking water helps you lose weight:  If you want to lose weight, you have to drink 500ml of water before half an hour of each meal. It increases metabolism and reduces appetite and make you automatically eat fewer calories. Both of these effects results in weight loss significantly.
5.     Improves immune system:  Drinking enough water is the key to stay healthy during the cold season. It is the well known and overlooked benefit of drinking water that it improves immunity. Water improves immune system by two ways; first, it carries oxygen to your body`s cells, which results in proper functioning of systems. Second, it flushes harmful toxins out of your body.
 Drink water sufficiently. It is essential for your survival.       Potable water is the lifeblood of living beings.
1.     Drinking cold water is a blunder, especially after consuming meals.
2.    Drinking freeze and icy cold water after meals impairs metabolism and stops digestion process.

Friday, April 12, 2019


Beetroots – the nature's Viagra 

Beetroots – the nature`s magical fruit        
Beetroot is one of the best nutritious seasonal vegetables which are very common and full of various vitamins and minerals and a blessing for improving immune system. Nutrients of beetroot agile our body plus mind, and aid in longevity and vitality. Beets are consumed as cooked vegetables, raw salads and juices.  Leaves of beet may also be used as green leafy vegetables.  Consumption of beets has medicinal values also. Beets are rich in assimilable iron. There is no competitor of beets in enhancing  Red Blood Cells.  One can try different juice mixtures, which can be a blend of carrot, celery and beet.  Another mix may be of kale, beet, cucumber, parsley and celery.  Other interesting mix of juices includes beet, carrot, ginger, lemon, apple and garlic.
Followings are the benefits of beetroot that facilitate our overall health:
·       Helpful in increasing memory
·       Lowers  the hypertension
 ·      Helps in weight loss
·       Helpful in proper digestion
·       Helps in curing kidney diseases
·       Increase endurance
·       Cure cancer
·       Increase sex health

1.   Helpful in increasing memory:
Beets have some contents which slow the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.  High nitrate content in Beet juice increases the flow of blood to the brain which enhances the tissue health of brain and fights the progression of dementia.  A study reveals that high nitrate diet led to increase in blood flow to the white matter of the frontal lobes-the area of brain linked to degeneration from dementia and other cognitive disorders.  Folic acid in beetroot can support hippocampus that results in memory and learning advancement.  A cup of beet juice thrice a day is recommended in case of lack of memory and mental weakness.
2.   Lowers the hypertension:
Beetroot juice has a special feature of lowering hypertension. A drink mix of three-fourths beet juice and one fourth apple juice can lower effectively the hypertension in both men and women.  Altitude sickness may also be cured by beetroot juice intake.  Beet juice has high nitrate content which also provides positive effects on heart.  Our body converts nitrate into nitric oxide that relaxes blood vessels and increases oxygen and blood flow, therefore lowering hypertension.
3.   Helps in weight loss:
Beets are a good source of dietary fibers, both soluble and insoluble.  The two types of fiber fight fat by maintaining proper digestion and helps in losing weight by aiding in digestion as roughage and cutting down the cholesterol levels.  Beets juice purifies the blood and detoxifies body through a component betaine and thus leads to excessive fat loss.  Beets contain magnesium, which helps nerve and muscle in proper functioning and is beneficial for weight loss.
4.     Helpful in proper digestion

Beetroots contain betaine which is very beneficial for digestive system. Betaine is an antioxidant that helps to cleanse harmful free radicals in the blood. Betaine energizes nerves in intestines to digest food properly. This root vegetable is rich in nutrients such as iron, potassium, magnesium and vitamins A, D, C and folate. Beets are a good source of fiber also, which is an essential agent for digestion and elimination of waste materials from the body. Beetroot helps detoxify the blood by flushing toxins out of the body. Beetroot contains pectin fiber which helps in get rid of waste and excessive fat from the body.
5.   Helps in curing kidney diseases:
Kidney related diseases may be cured easily by taking 100 grams beets twice a day regularly.  It is beneficial in curing the inflammation in urinary system and getting kidney stone cleared. Boiled beets meshed and filtered juice may be taken in morning, noon, and evening to cure kidney stone until the stone thoroughly melt out. Consuming beets as salad helps in curing calcium or phosphorus outflow in urine.
6.   Increases endurance:
You can increase endurance by taking beets juice regularly.  Research has provided sufficient support to the fact that by drinking beet juice one can work for a longer time.  Researchers believe that nitrate content in beets converts in nitric oxide in the body. Combining beetroot juice with exercise delivers more oxygen to the muscles and creates an excellent environment to strengthen the nerves and muscles. Nitric oxide present in beets helps increase the blood flow in the body and multiple studies have shown it can improve exercise performance in people of various ages.
7.    Cure cancer :
Beetroot contains red pigment called betacyanin.  It can stop development of cancerous cells, even reduce them and fight cancer effects.  Beets contain betaine that is an antioxidant, which has anti cancerous property. So eating beets can benefit the body against cancer progression. It also increases immunity in the body. It has anticancer resistance. 

8Increase Sex Health:  

The supper food has been labeled as "nature`s Viagra" due to its nitrate content. Similar to Viagra, beets intake increases nitric oxide formation, which dilates blood vessels and boosts circulation to penis. This leads to better erections for men during sexual intercourse and helps them last longer in bed.


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

पानी पिजिये स्वस्थ रहिये

पानी पिजिये
          स्वस्थ रहिये!
             पिने योग्य जल प्राणी मात्र का प्राण है |समस्त विश्व जलमय है, इसलिए जल का अत्यंत निषेध होने पर भी किसी भी दशा में जलपान का पूर्ण रूप से निवारण नहीं किया जाता है , क्योकी सर्वथा जल की प्राप्ति न होने से मुखशोस, शिथिलता आदि विकार होने लगते हैं अथवा मृत्यु भी हो सकती है |जल के बिना न स्वस्थ व्यक्ति का निर्वाह हो सकता है न  रोगी का | ---`अष्टांग संग्रह`
एक स्वस्थ व्यक्ति को अपने भार के प्रति २० पौंड पर २४ घंटे में एक गिलास पानी अवश्य पीना चाहिए (१ गिलास = २५० ग्राम )  अब एक स्वभाविक प्रश्न उठता है की हमे आखिर पानी क्यों पीना चाहिए ? इसके अनेकों कारण हैं जसे;

जो व्यक्ति पर्याप्त पानी नहीं पीते उनके शरीर में ये विषाक्त तत्व जमने लगते हैं और उन्हें बीमार बना देते हैं | नाना प्रकार की बीमारी उनके शरीर में अपना घर बना लेती हैं यों समझिये की विषाक्त तत्व तरते हुए सारे शरीर में घूम रहे हैं और जल एक नदी है जिसके द्वारा ये बाहर निकल जाते हैं |

यदि आप वजन घटाना चाहते हैं तो खाना खाने से आधा घंटा पहले ५००मि.ली.  पानी पिजिये, जिससे शिरीर का मेटाबोलिज्म बढ़ता है और भूख को कम करता है आप स्वत: कम क्लोरी ग्रहण करते हैं इन दोनों का परिणाम यह होता की आपका वजन शीघ्रता से घटता है |
पर्याप्त पानी पिने से आपका दिमाग अधिकतम कार्य सही ढंग से पूर्ण करता है | थकान कम होती है तथा मूढ़ सही रहता है |

An Overview of Health Benefits and Ornamental Uses of Turmeric

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