Saturday, April 27, 2019

Overview of Diabetes, Digestion and Diabetes: Treatments

Overview of Diabetes, Digestion and Diabetes: Treatments

 Diabetes prevents body cells to process blood glucose.  Diabetes is a disease of metabolism, digestion and lifestyle. Having a sedentary lifestyle and no physical work are causing absorption problems and results in diabetes. In fact naturopathy resolves all the questions of diabetes. Nature cures diabetes as a disease of digestion in which carbohydrates do not digest properly.  So in naturopathy all the treatments relating to digestion have to apply in curing diabetes.
What’s Diabetes? :
Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which high blood sugar (glucose) levels develops due to defects in insulin secretion or its action or both.
It is reasonably good to recognize that fermentation in the digestive system generates toxins in the whole body. Due to this acidic condition of body pancreas stop secretion of insulin; results in improper digestion of carbohydrates and imbalance of glucose in the blood. In this condition sugar starts slippage in urine.
Many people would not satisfy with this fact.  Generally, deficiency of insulin really tends satisfactory. This theory was propounded by insulin researcher, Frederic Grant Banting in 1891.  He was also awarded with Nobel Prize for his research.  In the beginning it was established that diabetes was a disease of pancreas and caused due to less secretion of insulin.  But today it is not acceptable because pancreas of youngster patients secrete insulin in ample or more than required.  Thus, it should be proclaimed that original root cause of diabetes is not secretion of insulin but the ineffectiveness of insulin due to some other reason.
Insulin was discovered years ago, but even today there are many questions on the fundamental nature of diabetes. If insulin continues to be secreted by pancreas normally, person is diabetic, in that case it clarifies that the cause of diabetes discovered was not correct.  This is the point to be taken for further study and research.

Types of Diabetes:
There are three types of diabetes:
Type 1, type 2 and
Type 1:  This type develops when your body fails to produce insulin.  Patients of this type must take artificial insulin daily to remain alive.
Type 2:   Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which cells become resistant to insulin. So it cannot use glucose properly to generate energy. Insulin transports the sugar into our cells.  Therefore the patient will have elevated blood sugar.  It results in inflammation in the body and become soaring unhealthy state in the nerves, kidneys and cardiovascular system.
Gestational:  it happens with pregnant women when they become diabetic, called gestational.  It occurs usually with pregnant women because women often long for sugar during pregnancy. 
Symptoms of diabetes:
·       Increase urine output
·       Excessive thirst
·       Weight loss
·       Starvation
·       Skin burning
·       Tiredness
·       Slow healing wounds
·       Regular High blood pressure
Natural Remedies for Diabetes:
1.   Take hip bath for 5 minutes daily in the morning
2.   A forty-five minutes morning walk daily after hip bath
3.   Take the same two steps mentioned above in the evening also
4.   Take 250 grams of tomatoes and 250 grams of yogurt in the breakfast
5.   Take wholegrain bread and 250 grams of boiled vegetables, salads and yogurt
6.   From the first day of treatment mud wrap on lower belly and enema and hip bath should be taken on regular basis

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