Wednesday, March 6, 2019


The art of food mixing
     Food mixing is an art for maximum digestion and assimilation of nutrients. It is very important to mix right foods together so that the body receives what it needs without any disturbance in the stomach. But are we really aware about eating food in a right mix? The practice in which we are eating foods is right or wrong? What are the principles of mixing the food? 

     The concept of mixing the foods is not new one. But many of us do not know about the right mix. Honestly it is really hard to follow a method of mixing and eating the food. But it is highly rewarding and profits are much more than the efforts. If you have any issue of digestion and interested in improving the same, then you are at a right place.

      Although we intend to take a balanced diet but, it should not be taken as a single meal. A balanced diet is not possible in a single plate of food. We should frequently change the menu of our meals so that all the essential nutrients of a balanced diet may be availed. It is not required to fit carbohydrates, protein, fat, sugars, and dairy all in a single meal. In fact, it is very bad. One should not do so.

Principles of mixing foods

There are some principles of mixing the right foods to keep our digestion system fit. These are as follow:

1.   Proteins require an acid medium for their digestion. This acidic medium is provided in our stomach. Thus, proteins are digested in stomach.
2. Carbohydrates are best digested in an alkaline medium.  The process of their digestion starts in oral cavity continues  in the stomach in absence of proteins and also carried on in intestines.
3.Both proteins and starches are contrary and require separation in digestive process. One should not mix proteins  and starches. This is the worst food combination. 
4. The third group of food, fats and oils begin to digest in   intestines. These do not interfere with either proteins or   carbohydrates digestion.
5.   The sugars are digested on entering the stomach and then    carried to the liver, where it is stored as glycogen as body’s    energy reserve, thereafter introduced into the bloodstream       as per demand of body.

Thus, carbohydrates and fats can be taken together and in the second group protein and fats may be eaten together.
If the best results from the food taken are to be obtained, mixing of proteins and starches should be restricted. Sedentary workers and middle aged persons especially those living an indoor life should take starches and proteins separately.  Starches can be consumed individually, or with other non starchy vegetables and leafy greens.

Outcomes of wrong food mixing
       Taking meals containing starches and proteins exhaust the digestive system as there is no simultaneous digestion of starches and proteins. All the starchy foods should be first thoroughly chewed, and the habit of hastily bolting and swallowing must be stopped. Because after hollow swallowing results in undigested state of starches until all the protein portion of meal has been dealt with and only then it will be allowed to pass into the intestines for final digestion. At the same time undigested starch in the stomach is a hindrance to digestion. Young and active life leading persons have little problem, but who are middle aged or sedentary workers generally face an upset digestive process and/or indigestion. 

This miss-match of food leads indigestion which is a basic cause of flatulence, acidity and dyspepsia.

         There is a lack of understanding among common people about this excessive miss-mixing of protein and starchy foods, and that is why menace of indigestion remains with longer head.

Thumb rules to remember for mixing foods

  • Starches and fats can be mixed
  • Proteins and fats can be mixed
  • Starches and sugary foods can be mixed with green vegetables
  • Proteins with green vegetables and acid fruits, as we    already know that proteins are digested in an acid base
  •  Mixing of starchy foods with acid fruits is not advisable

  • In nutshell starches, fats, green vegetables, sugars may be consumed together because; they require an alkaline base for digestion.
  • Protein, fats, green vegetables and acid fruits may be taken together as they are digestible in an acid base.
Examples of best food mixing

  •  Milk and fresh fruits; cheese and fresh fruits
  •   Roasted pork with apple sauce; fish with lemon juice, nuts, and apples
  •  Fresh fruits and cream
  • Dried fruits and nuts; dried fruits and cream;stewed fruits and cream
  •  Honey and milk; dried fruits and milk
  •  Bread and butter, green salad with raisins, olive oil
  •  Bread, honey, raisins, dates or figs 
  •   Cereals and dates, raisins, figs
  •   Bread and honey; cereals and honey
  •  Bread and butter and green salad; banana, cream and green salad
  •  Bread and green salad; potatoes and green vegetables
  • Bread and butter, cereals and cream, banana and cream


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