Monday, February 25, 2019

Healthy Fats Foods

Healthy Fats  Foods

As we eat protein, starch and sugar in much more quantity than the body requires, also fats and oils food consume in the ordinary conventional diet.  A small amount of fat is an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet.  Our daily need is as much butter that can be eaten with three or four slices of whole-wheat bread only.  An ordinary individual eat butter usually at every meal, his puddings, pies and cakes are made with fat. He eats fish fried with fat or oil.  He takes greasy soups, fat meat, cream etc.  Is this daily consumption of fatty foods excessive? It should be left for the readers to judge.  Are you know that pigs, sheep and cattle, never consume a very single piece of fatty foods, but they have the most of the fat in them.  It is to be noted that fatty foods do not form really useful fat.

Here are some healthy and nutritious fatty foods:


Most of the fruits primarily contain carbohydrates but Avocado is different in its properties. Avocados are loaded with fat.  In fact avocados are about 77% fats by calories.  The main fatty acid is monounsaturated fat called Oleic acid, associated with various health benefits.  Avocados are the best source of potassium and fiber, and have been shown to have major benefits for cardiovascular health.

Dairy Products:

Cheese and yogurt are the great source of calcium, vitamin B-12, Phosphorus and Selenium and also contains all sorts of other nutrients.  They also provide protein and powerful fatty acids that have been linked to all sorts of benefits including reduced risk of type-2 diabetes.  Yogurt can improve your digestive health and may even fight heart disease and obesity.


We can take cocoa in form of chocolate made from cocoa.  We should first ensure that chocolate contains the cocoa in required percentage amount not less than 70%.  It can improve brain function and protect your skin from damage of sunlight.  This type of chocolate is high in fat but loaded with nutrients and antioxidants.  It is also very effective in improving cardiovascular health.

Dry Fruits:

Dry fruits are high in healthy fats and fiber. They are also plant based source of protein. Fatty and healthy dry fruits include almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts etc.  Dry fruits are also high in vitamin E and loaded with magnesium a mineral very beneficial for heart disease.  People who eat dry fruits have a lower risk of various diseases and are in good health. The dry fruits lower the risk of type2 diabetes, obesity and heart disease.

Olive Oil:

We can use olive oil as a healthy fat. Olive is an essential component of the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil contains vitamin E and K and is loaded with powerful antioxidants.  It lowers the high blood pressure and improves cholesterol makers. It also prevents heart related diseases. Olive oil is the king of all healthy fats and oils in the diet.

Fish Oil:

Although, people agree that fish is a healthy fat, because, fish fat is loaded with heart friendly omega-3 fatty acids, good proteins and other nutrients.  But, if you cannot eat fish then you should take fish oil supplement.  Cod fish liver oil is very useful and contains in plenty of omegs-3 and vitamin D also.

Chia Seeds:

Generally chia seeds are not recommended as fatty food, but these contain a very high quality fat.  Actually chia seeds contain 33% healthy fat with incredible nutrients.  Chia seeds are rich in omega-3s.  They are also loaded with minerals and fiber. Chia seeds are high quality plant based fatty food. In fact, by calories, chia seeds are nearly 80% fat.


Coconut is the richest source of saturated fat on the earth.  Coconut contains 90% saturated fatty acids.  A large number of peoples consume coconut oil do not suffer heart diseases, and are in good health.  Coconut fat is excellent for health and different from most other fats.  These fatty acids are metabolized differently, going straight to the liver where they may be turned into ketone bodies. They reduce appetite, increase fat burning.  This benefits health in numerous ways.


·      As per point of health fats serve both structural and metabolic functions.
·      Fats are also an important source of omega 3 fatty acids, minerals and fiber.
·      Fatty acids are used in our body as source of fuel for brain cells.
·      As well as balanced diet requirements fat is a necessary part of food.

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