Monday, February 25, 2019

Healthy Fats Foods

Healthy Fats  Foods

As we eat protein, starch and sugar in much more quantity than the body requires, also fats and oils food consume in the ordinary conventional diet.  A small amount of fat is an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet.  Our daily need is as much butter that can be eaten with three or four slices of whole-wheat bread only.  An ordinary individual eat butter usually at every meal, his puddings, pies and cakes are made with fat. He eats fish fried with fat or oil.  He takes greasy soups, fat meat, cream etc.  Is this daily consumption of fatty foods excessive? It should be left for the readers to judge.  Are you know that pigs, sheep and cattle, never consume a very single piece of fatty foods, but they have the most of the fat in them.  It is to be noted that fatty foods do not form really useful fat.

Here are some healthy and nutritious fatty foods:


Most of the fruits primarily contain carbohydrates but Avocado is different in its properties. Avocados are loaded with fat.  In fact avocados are about 77% fats by calories.  The main fatty acid is monounsaturated fat called Oleic acid, associated with various health benefits.  Avocados are the best source of potassium and fiber, and have been shown to have major benefits for cardiovascular health.

Dairy Products:

Cheese and yogurt are the great source of calcium, vitamin B-12, Phosphorus and Selenium and also contains all sorts of other nutrients.  They also provide protein and powerful fatty acids that have been linked to all sorts of benefits including reduced risk of type-2 diabetes.  Yogurt can improve your digestive health and may even fight heart disease and obesity.


We can take cocoa in form of chocolate made from cocoa.  We should first ensure that chocolate contains the cocoa in required percentage amount not less than 70%.  It can improve brain function and protect your skin from damage of sunlight.  This type of chocolate is high in fat but loaded with nutrients and antioxidants.  It is also very effective in improving cardiovascular health.

Dry Fruits:

Dry fruits are high in healthy fats and fiber. They are also plant based source of protein. Fatty and healthy dry fruits include almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts etc.  Dry fruits are also high in vitamin E and loaded with magnesium a mineral very beneficial for heart disease.  People who eat dry fruits have a lower risk of various diseases and are in good health. The dry fruits lower the risk of type2 diabetes, obesity and heart disease.

Olive Oil:

We can use olive oil as a healthy fat. Olive is an essential component of the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil contains vitamin E and K and is loaded with powerful antioxidants.  It lowers the high blood pressure and improves cholesterol makers. It also prevents heart related diseases. Olive oil is the king of all healthy fats and oils in the diet.

Fish Oil:

Although, people agree that fish is a healthy fat, because, fish fat is loaded with heart friendly omega-3 fatty acids, good proteins and other nutrients.  But, if you cannot eat fish then you should take fish oil supplement.  Cod fish liver oil is very useful and contains in plenty of omegs-3 and vitamin D also.

Chia Seeds:

Generally chia seeds are not recommended as fatty food, but these contain a very high quality fat.  Actually chia seeds contain 33% healthy fat with incredible nutrients.  Chia seeds are rich in omega-3s.  They are also loaded with minerals and fiber. Chia seeds are high quality plant based fatty food. In fact, by calories, chia seeds are nearly 80% fat.


Coconut is the richest source of saturated fat on the earth.  Coconut contains 90% saturated fatty acids.  A large number of peoples consume coconut oil do not suffer heart diseases, and are in good health.  Coconut fat is excellent for health and different from most other fats.  These fatty acids are metabolized differently, going straight to the liver where they may be turned into ketone bodies. They reduce appetite, increase fat burning.  This benefits health in numerous ways.


·      As per point of health fats serve both structural and metabolic functions.
·      Fats are also an important source of omega 3 fatty acids, minerals and fiber.
·      Fatty acids are used in our body as source of fuel for brain cells.
·      As well as balanced diet requirements fat is a necessary part of food.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Our Daily Protein Food

                    Our Daily Protein Food
An average man who is a vegetarian should take daily once the protein diet in form of cheese, nuts, peas and beans or lentils.  This is sufficient for a person`s bodily requirements, who is especially engaged in smart work sitting in chairs.  We can get ample protein from cheese, nuts, peas, beans and lentils.  A glass of milk should be added to this segment of protein food.  Protein is required to the body for growth, maintenance and repair, but excess of protein food cannot help us to maintain our vitality and energy. If the consumption of protein food is much more than the body requirement, our digestion system suffers.  Elimination of excess protein material from the system in form of urea as urine by the kidneys requires continually hard work, and suffered accordingly.

Most of the American citizens consume much more protein, especially, they eat red meat.  Obviously, it is clear that much consumption of red meat is harmful for health.   According to a research `Red Meat` and processed meat diet relates to diabetes type – 2, heart disease and Cancer like terrible chronic diseases.  Red meat is enriched with ample saturated fat.  But plants protein cures the dreadful diseases.  It increases life span.  According to a report of   World Economic Forum, published recently that bean, peas, groundnut like protein is very useful and healthy in place of Beef.  Beans are full of fiber, potassium, ferrous, and amino acid protein which is very useful from all points of view.  Dry fruits are full of protein, vitamins and nutrients, and no danger of diseases.

Up to now it is obvious that eating protein foods in large amount is not helpful for health. Eating protein foods in such a amount which is beneficial to body only required. Thus eating protein in a limit has many benefits including muscle building, weight loss, and feeling satisfied.  Eating a balanced diet containing protein is an essential part of healthy life.

A protein rich diet can help you to lose weight because it helps you avoid overeating.  It can build muscle if combined with exercise daily. This helps to burn calories and weight loss.
Following are the foods enrich with protein recommended for vegans:

·      Chickpeas:
It is a healthful vegetarian protein having fiber and nutrients in a good amount. It is much beneficial for heart and bones health, and also dilutes cancer chances.
·      Quinoa:
It is a complete source of vegetarian protein. It contains all 11 amino acids needed to make a protein complete.  Quinoa is an excellent choice for vegetarian. Quinoa is a seed grain that is currently among the world`s most popular supper foods. It is high in many vitamins minerals and fiber, and is loaded with antioxidants.
·      Almonds:
Almonds are popular type of tree nut. They are full of important nutrients, fiber, vitamin E, manganese and magnesium.  The protein content is 13% of calories (6 Gram per ounce).    Other good protein nuts are pistachios and cashews.
·      Milk:
Milk is highly nutritious.  If you can enjoy drinking milk, then it can be an excellent  choice of high quality protein.  Milk contains almost every nutrient needed by the human body, and can provide several other health benefits. It is particularly loaded with calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin.
·      Lentils:
Lentils are high in fiber, magnesium, potassium, iron, foliate, copper, manganese and various other nutrients.  Lentils are among the world`s best sources of plant based protein and are excellent food for vegetarians.  Other high protein legumes are soybeans, kidney beans and chickpeas.
·      Ezekiel Bread:
This one is different from most other breads.  It is make of organic and sprouted whole grain and legumes including millet, barley, spelt, wheat, soybeans and lentils.  Compared to most breads Ezekiel bread is very high in protein, fiber, and various important nutrients.
·      Peanuts:
They are high in protein, fiber, magnesium and many studies show that they can help you lose weight. Peanut butter is also high in protein; just make sure not to eat too much.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

भोजन और हमारा स्वास्थ्य

भोजन और हमारा स्वास्थ्य
हमें सांसारिक सुखों का आनन्द लेने के लिए स्वस्थ रहना अत्यंत आवश्यक है | कहते हैं स्वास्थ्य ही धन है | स्वास्थ्य अच्छा है तो संसार की सभी वस्तुयें हमारे लिए हैं यदि स्वास्थ्य अच्छा  नहीं तो सब बेकार है | अत: हमारा प्रथम प्रयास यह रहना चाहिए की हम उतम स्वास्थ्य के स्वामी बने | स्वास्थ्य को उतम बनाने के लिए हमे कई बातों को ध्यान में रखना होगा सर्व प्रथम हमें हमारे भोजन का अच्छे से ध्यान रखना होगा अर्थात हमें क्या खाना चाहिए, कब खाना चाहिए, व् क्यों खाना चाहिए | भोजन की कितनी मात्रा लाभकारी है व किस प्रकार का खाना सही है अर्थात किस प्रकार का भोजन अस्वास्थ्यकर है |

प्रत्येक व्यक्ति की भोजन सम्बन्धी आवश्यकताऐ अलग अलग हैं |  सभी को एक जैसा भोजन हितकर नहीं हो सकता | हमें अपने भोजन का निर्धारण आयु, मौसम कार्यदशा, कार्य के घंटे विश्राम व भूख की स्थिति अनुसार करना चाहिए |

 हमें प्राय: दिन में तीन समय ही भोजन करना चाहिए |  सुबह नाश्ते में मात्र ताजे फलों का रस या फल व दुध का सेवन करना चाहिए दोपहर का भोजन हमें दस बजे कर लेना चाहिए | भोजन में चोकरदार आटे की रोटी दाल सब्जी लेनी चाहिए, साथ में सलाद की उपयुक्त मात्रा भी भोजन में शामिल होनी चाहिए | हमारे भोजन में पर्याप्त मात्रा में  प्रोटीन, विटामिन, वसा, स्टार्च व कार्बोहाइड्रेट और फाइबर इत्यादि शामिल होना चाहिए | दिन में हमें कई बार पानी का सेवन करना चाहिए | भोजन से  एक घंटा पहले तक व भोजन के १-२ घंटे बाद तक बिना प्यास के पानी नहीं पीना चाहिए |
हमारा श्याम का भोजन सोने से कम से कम २ घंटे पहले समाप्त हो जाना चाहिए श्याम के भोजन में उबली सब्जी पतेदार या घिया तौरी जैसी ताज़ी सब्जियां या फिर खिचड़ी इत्यादि होनी चाहिए | सायं का भोजन सुपाच्य होना चाहिए तथा भोजन करने के बाद हमे एक घंटा तेज कदमों से सैर करनी चाहिए, जिससे रात को हमारे पेट में गैस इत्यादि की समस्या उत्पन नहीं होगी और भरपूर निंद्रा आ सकेगी जिससे हमे सुबह उठने पर ताजगी महसूस होगी | आयु अनुसार प्रतिदिन ६ से ८ घंटे नींद लेना स्वास्थ्यकर हैं हमें भोजन में क्या क्या शामिल करना चाहिए और क्या नहीं इसका विवरण हम अगले लेख में पढ़ेंगे|

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Exercise For Health

Exercise for Health

Everyone likes like their lives in new style by looking healthy, smart and courageous. Demand of such type people increased because they are competent to do all deeds in each and every field of complex activities. Demand for slim and active youths has increased for marriage also. No conscious person wants to get married to unhealthy, clumsy, ugly and fatty one. Physical activeness and fitness has become today`s first choice.

Human health depends on many factors like age, food, lifestyle and occupation etc. Daily routine plays an important role in arranging all these things. To keep fit and healthy, long lasting youth and life, physical exercise in daily routine has an important place.  Out of our busy routine schedule keeping some time for exercise is just like insurance of your health and long life. Carelessness towards health make us prey to different ailments in our life, additionally leads to waste of money, time and peace of mind, and/or become burden on the society. In case of life insurance policy the invested money with bonus is paid back to its nominee or successor. On the other hand by doing physical exercise in routine, we get our invested capital as health, and fine body alongwith long life as bonus.

For long lasting puberty and long life, regular exercise is vital and compulsory.  During squeezing of muscles all dead cells and toxins are thrown out of the blood, and when we expand our muscles, blood brings in new materials for the body building. A wrong concept is prevailing in the society that only fatty people need physical exercise, weak, unhealthy and ailing persons do not require exercise. Now exercises are used for curing various diseases. 50 years ago, in developed country like America, doctors used to advise rest in chronic diseases as heart disease, joint pain, nervous weakness etc.  Physical exercise was recommended only for prevention of diseases. Now-a-days, doctors are advising exercise to aged ladies having osteoporosis.  It has been proved beneficial in many diseases like; diabetes, high blood pressure, joint pain, depression, tension, obesity, Parkinson etc. According to learned health consultants, no other therapy is as good as physical exercise. Physical exercise reduces the symptoms of disease if not cures fully. As per Charak physical exercise is that intention  which increase  stability and strength of body.

Effects of Physical Exercise:
These are classified in the following categories:
·                  Effects on Skeletal system
·                  Effects on Respiratory system
·                  Effects on Blood circulatory system
·                  Effects on  Digestive system
·                  Effects on Excretory system

1.               Effects on skeletal system:
Physical exercise strengthens bones and joints by building surrounding muscles, and increasing blood circulation.  The bones are held together with ligaments.  Without ligaments the joints would be very unstable. When exposed to regular exercise ligaments become stronger.
Exercise helps in production of bone marrow properly in the long bones.Exercise prevents deposition of calcium in the body. Exercise stops the breakdown and eventual loss of articular cartilage, which prevents osteoporosis.
2.             Effects on Respiratory system:
During the exercise the body needs supply of oxygen to release energy in the muscles. Respiration increases to provide that oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
This is done by;
·                   Increasing breathing rate by about three times the normal rate.
·                   Increasing amount of air taken in and out with each breathe by five times the normal rate.
·                   Increasing blood supply to and through the lungs.
·                   Increasing oxygen uptake.
·                   Increasing the size of chest.
·                   Squeezing and expansion of lungs remains proper.
·                   Extra mucus flows out of the body.
·                   Keeps control over body temperature.
·                   Exercise cures Asthma, chills etc. easily and earlier.

3.              Effects on Blood Circulatory system:
Physical exercise has profound effects on the circulatory system of our body.  These can be listed as under:
·                   Regular exercise keeps sugar level in control and prevents diabetes.
·                   It reduces risk of increase in blood pressure and heart attacks, because cholesterol level in blood remains under control as a result of regular exercise.
·                   Inactive capillaries in an athlete open up especially in the lungs that contribute to the efficiency of his movements in exercise.
·                   Regular exercise leads to increase in the number of red bloodcells resulting  in lesser load during exercise, also improves the color of skin.

4.               Effects on Digestive system:
·                   Exercise and digestion are mutually exclusive. When you exercise, your body is not using its energy for digestion. Instead it slows any digestion currently taking place, so it can divert as much blood as it can to feed your muscles and your lungs.
·                   Exercise can relieve constipation and promote healthy digestion when you are at rest.
·                   Over time, regular exercise can strengthen your digestive tract and appetite.
·                   If you are fit the amount of blood diverted from your digestive system decreases because the need is less urgent.Your muscles are more efficient when you are in shape.
·                   Exercise massage the intestines.
·                   Liver secretes proper amount of bile to digest the food.

5.              Effects on Excretory system:
The breakdown of proteins and nucleic acids release nitrogen containing wastes.  The body must eliminate these compounds before they build up. Filtering wastes from the blood stream is the job of excretory system. Your body regulates excretion in response to changes in its environment. When you exercise, you may begin to sweat as your body tries to regulate its temperature. Sweating removes water and salts from your body together with a small amount of urea. Exercise increase the peristalsis movement as a result waste materials (faeces) passes down from the alimentary canal.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Our starchy foods

Our Daily Starchy Foods
Starchy foods are main source of carbohydrate as nutritional value and play an important role in a healthy diet.  They comprise starch, sugars and  fibers.
Why do we need starchy foods?
Starchy foods are a good source of energy in our diet.  Starchy foods additionally contain calcium, iron, B vitamins and fibers.  This is very good to have 10 to 20% starch from raw or uncooked foods.  We should try to take most of the starchy food from raw vegetables, fruits, salads instead of cooked cereals food.  Starchy foods such as apples,  carrots, potatoes,  oats and pulses may help reduce cholesterol in the blood. This type of foods has fiber which helps in digestion also.Starchy food are acidic in nature therefore one should take low quantity of starchy foods.One should not have more than 20% of acidic foods in their diet. 
Main sources of starch:
Grains, beans, legumes and vegetables are the main sources of starch.  We often get starchy food in form of bread, pasta, rice, couscous, potatoes, oats, rye, barley and porridge.  Ideally starchy foods should be one fourth of the food we eat.  Fruits and vegetables are not given their rightful place in human dietary as intended by the nature as purifiers of body.  Now-a-days processed starchy, sugary, protein and fatty foods are eaten in quantities much more than needs of body, resulting in ill-health and diseases.
Tips to eat starchy foods:
      Wholegrain cereals or mixed with our favorite healthy breakfast cereals should be included in our daily diet.
      Plain porridge with fruits is perfect breakfast in winter.
      Whole oats with fruits and low-fat, lower sugar yoghurt make a great summer breakfast.
      Try baked potatoes with skin for lunch for more fibers. 
      Rice and pasta with vegetables should be taken in dinner.
      Try different breads, such as seeded whole meal and grainary.
      Opt for whole grain varieties so that amount of fiber may be increased.  Try brown-rice it makes a very tasty rice salad.
Sensible diet:
If health is to be regained benefit should be derived from the food.  Man must again learn, what to eat?when to eat and how much of each food to eat? in accordance with the needs and requirements of his body.We must eat simple, unspoiled pure foods, not the commercialized products. Fresh fruits and green vegetables are essential in much large quantities than at present in use, if health is to be maintained.  Only very definite and limited quantities of starchy, sugary, protein and fatty foods are required daily by the system for its work.  
Some of the best among starchy foods:
1.    Dry fruits; raisin, dates, pistachio nut, pine nut, almonds.
2.   Most of the fruits; mango, guava, banana, apple, tomato, orange, plum, cucumber, melon and water melon.
3.   Vegetables leaves eaten raw or cooked on fire: gram’s green leaves, mustard green leaves, amaranthus, bathua (chenopodium album) etc.
4.   Sweet potato, potatoes, brinjal, jack fruit, yam etc. roasted  and eaten.
5.   Salads that are eaten raw: radish, turnip, tomato, carrot, beetroot, salad leaves and onion.
6.   Green wheat, green gram, green peas, green barley, green maize seed can be roasted and eaten.
7.   Gram, wheat, raw ground nut and mung can be eaten as germinated seeds.

An Overview of Health Benefits and Ornamental Uses of Turmeric

By Ram Kumar Kundu Turmeric is originally an Indian medicinal herb and has been used as a spice in India for centuries of existence...