Tuesday, May 14, 2019

An Overview of Health Benefits and Ornamental Uses of Turmeric

By Ram Kumar Kundu

Turmeric is originally an Indian medicinal herb and has been used as a spice in India for centuries of existence. Turmeric is a close member of ginger family. The scientific name of turmeric is Curcuma longa. Turmeric is grown in some parts of globe for use as spice and medicinal herb also. Turmeric is certainly used in Indian foods. You have almost certainly tasted it, if you have ever consumed Indian food. It is taken as blood purifier and is very useful in the common cold and cough. Turmeric plant is highly fragrant and antiseptic. Sweetened milk boiled with the turmeric is the popular remedy for cold and cough. It is given in liver ailments and jaundice.

Image result for images of turmeric plantThe compounds found in turmeric are called curcuminoids, one of them is curcumin, the main and vigorous element, a very sturdy antioxidant. Turmeric is a powerful herbal medicine used in Ayurvedic treatments and traditional remedies. Turmeric is highly effective herb having mostly nutritional ingredients which are beneficial for your body and mind.
Table of Elements in Turmeric Powder per 100 Grams:
Calories                                        312
Calcium                                       168 mg
Iron                                              55 mg
Sodium                                         27 mg
Magnesium                                  208 mg
Potassium                                 2080 mg
Zinc                                            4.5 mg
Phosphorus                                 299 mg
Water                                      12.85 g
Sugar                                        3.21 g
Fat                                            3.25 g
Protein                                      9.68 g
Fiber                                         22.7 g
Carbohydrates                         67.14 g
Vitamin C                                   0.7 mg
Vitamin B 6                              0.11 mg
Vitamin E                                  4.43mg
Vitamin K                                 13.4 mg
Followings are the apex health benefits of turmeric:
1. Helpful in alleviating Inflammation
2. Delay aging
3. Helpful in treating Depression
4. Helpful in alleviating Arthritis
5. Aids in treatment of Alzheimer`s disease
6. Helpful in preventing Cancer
7. Lowers the Heart disease risk
8. Improves Brain function
9. Keeping Skinwell being
1. Helpful in alleviating Inflammation:
Curcumin one of the key component in turmeric, is very effectiveanti-inflammatory compound, without side effect  .Inflammation is really significant, it can be a great trouble when it turns constant and then it attacks the tissues of your own body. Today, scientists say that continual low level inflammation is vital and plays an important role in diseases like heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer`s etc. 
2. Delay aging:
Curcumin is an antioxidant, main component of turmeric defuses free radicals and curbs their growth and prevent wrinkles and pigmentation, thus delays aging and helps longevity. Curcumin is in treanding demand as an anti aging supplement.
3. Helpful in treating Depression:
Turmeric has anti-depressant properties. Curcumin can help the patients suffering from depression without perilous and additive side effects. Curcumin is a multipurpose core that has capacity to achieve hormonal balance in your body. It can effect similar to Prozac on patients suffering from depression and stress.
4 Helpful  in alleviating arthritis:.
Arthritic pain, gout and muscle pain can be treated and reduced to normal by use of turmeric supplements. It also serves the purpose by topical application. Use of turmeric supplements will also prevent the effects of osteoporosis.
5. Helpful in treating Alzheimer's disease:
Alzheimer's disease is degenerative disease. This is one of the root causes for dementia. But there is no sure treatment of Alzheimer's disease available with modern medical science. Inflammation and oxidative attack plays a big role in Alzheimer's disease.Curcumin in the turmeric which has anti-inflammation and antioxidant properties. So, turmeric is highly effective in clearing amyloid plaque, the indicator of Alzheimer`s disease.
6. Helpful in preventing cancer:
Turmeric has Curcumin which has proven anticancer properties; it can be used for development of anticancer drug. Extensive researches on turmeric`s cancer prevention effects have been going underway in many cancer research institutes spread all over the world. Research indicates that curcumin-a turmeric extract can bring down the growth of tumor.
7. Lowers the heart disease risk:
Heart disease is the top rated cause of death in this civilized world. Indeed, heart disease is exceptionally knotty and many factors have a say to it. Curcumin helps in regulating the blood pressure and prevents blood clotting. Curcumin also decreases inflammation and oxidation, which play a vital role in heart disease.
8. Improves Brain function:
It has been established that turmeric helps brain to function properly as memory retention power is increased, improve cognitive abilities, and increase deliberation. Therefore, even today turmeric is considered brain function enhancing herb.
9. Keeping skin well being:
Turmeric is a very useful herb for skin health. Turmeric keeps pimples at a hand`s distance from the face, because it destroys the bacteria responsible for pimples and stop secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands. Turmeric is very beneficial in clearing the acnes scars and makes your face watertight and bright. In addition to this antioxidant property of curcumin keeps the skin glowing and wrinkle free.
10. Ornamental/accessory uses:
·                     Turmeric unexpectedly can be used as stain remover. It can help teeth whitening by mixing it with coconut oil and baking soda.
·      Turmeric is naturally an anti inflammatory agent. It is used in manufacturing of herbal soaps.
·      Turmeric is used as a natural skin shining product by mixing it with curd.
·     Turmeric paste can be used to cure cuts and wounds.
·     To improve face gleam turmeric face mask is very useful; it can be prepared by mixing turmeric powder, yogurt, glycerin, honey, aloe-Vera or vitamin E.
·     You can prepare face wash by mixing gram flour, turmeric and olive oil or honey.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Banana - A Nutritious and Hemoglobin Builder Fruit

Banana - A Nutritious and Hemoglobin Builder FruitImage result for images of bananas
Category *
Health and Fitness » Asthma
Bananas are a good source of mineral salts named as potassium and magnesium which are essential for heart health. Resistant starch improves insulin sensitivity; it is present in unripe bananas. Bananas are also high in some antioxidants which may help combat free radicals and lower the risk of some diseases such as Asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and digestive problems
Body *
Bananas are a good source of calories intake. This fruit contains glucose in ample and easily digestible carbohydrates and fiber. Basically banana is an Asian fruit but today, bananas are grown in many warm parts of the world. It is one of the highly ranked food crops of the world. Consumption of bananas in America is more than apples and oranges. Bananas are one of the most favorably consumed fruits in the world, being there are some good reasons behind this. Bananas are rich in many minerals which are essential for good health. These are helpful in Asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and digestive problems
Nutrients mainly found in bananas:
· Mineral salts; potassium, iron, calcium, sulfur, copper and magnesium
· Vitamins; good source of vitamin A, C and B- 6
· Fiber: This content of bananas supports the heart health. A banana of medium size contains 3 grams of fiber. Bananas contain two types of fiber. Pectin decreases as banana ripens. Resistant starch found in unripe bananas.
· Carbohydrates; its carbohydrate is easily digestible and diabetics may also consume it in a limit.
How much beneficial is banana for health:
Followings are the possible health benefits associated with eating of bananas:-
1. Bananas May Improve Heart Health:
Potassium is a mineral that is essential for heart health. Potassium is also essential for blood pressure control. Bananas are rich source of potassium and many antioxidants, which are heart health friendly. Potassium rich diet can help lower blood pressure, and people who eat plenty of potassium have up to a 27% less risk of heart disease. Bananas are also rich in vitamin C and B- 6. A diet containing potassium is most important to reduce the risk of heart disease.
2. Bananas May Improve Digestive Health:
Bananas are a good source of calories. This fruit contains glucose in ample, easily digestible. It contains protein in a low amount its carbohydrate is very easily digestible. Consumption of bananas helps in digestion because they are rich in fiber, pectin. Pectin may help protect against colon cancer.
3. Bananas may improve kidney health:
Bananas are a good dietary source of potassium, and potassium is essential for blood pressure control and healthy kidney function. Bananas may especially beneficial for maintaining healthy kidneys. To maintain kidney health one should eat bananas 2-3 times per week at least. Bananas contain 9% potassium; high potassium intakes are associated with bone mineral density and reduction in the formation of kidney stones.
4. Bananas Contain Powerful Antioxidants:
Fruits and vegetables are excellent source of dietary antioxidants, and bananas are no exception. Main types of antioxidants found in bananas are dopamine and catechins. These antioxidants are responsible for health benefits such as reduced risk of heart disease and degenerative illnesses. Dopamine is generally known as a feel good chemical in your brain. But it acts only as a strong antioxidant.
5. Reduce risk of exercise related muscle cramps:
Bananas are rich in several minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and fiber, so they provide excellent nutrition. They also provide excellent fuel for endurance exercise. Athletes usually take bananas before, during and after endurance exercise. Bananas contain largely mineral salts and easily digestible carbohydrates, hence referred as a complete diet for pregnant ladies also. Consumption of bananas reduces the risk of exercise related muscle cramps and soreness.
6. Helps in maintaining fluid levels in the body:
We can avail potassium easily from dietary source such as bananas. Bananas are rich in mineral called potassium. A banana of medium size contains 422 mg of potassium. The potassium is responsible for maintaining fluid levels of body. It also helps regulate the movement of nutrients and waste products in and out of cells. Potassium helps heart beating regularly and reduces the effects of sodium on blood pressure.
7. Reduces the risk of cancer:
Bananas are a good source of vitamin C. Bananas can help combat the development of free radicals causing cancer. Fruits and vegetables like bananas contain high fiber are associated with lowered risk of cancer. Risk of cancer can be reduced by giving bananas, oranges, and orange juice in early childhood of 2 years
Keywords *
Bananas a Nutritious Food, Hemoglobin Builder, Potassium helps heart, Heart health
Resource Box
Bananas are really a nutritious food and have medicinal properties.Basically I am a naturopath. I can suggest you the natural remedies for your health and fitness.You may send me your queries to email; ramkk9253348652@gmail.com 

An Overview of Health Benefits and Ornamental Uses of Turmeric

By Ram Kumar Kundu Turmeric is originally an Indian medicinal herb and has been used as a spice in India for centuries of existence...