Friday, January 11, 2019

Natural Food For Health

                       NATURAL FOOD FOR HEALTH

Natural foods are themselves capable of providing good health.  We can gain complete health with the help of our diet, if necessary intermittent fasting can be applied in addition of food improvement. This is the only natural way to attain a good and complete health.

 Characteristics of Natural Food:

Our foods contain 99.99% rationale of health and disease. Today’s assumption regarding food is that it should be enriched with nutritional contents.  But it should be easily digestible and absorption able.  The alimentary canal should be able to digest assimilate and eliminate the waste residue of food from the body.  Our food should be of purification capabilities . The health of men and animals depend on the diet they take, no one can object this fact.  Naturally, every animal quits eating in case of disease.  Nature enlightens the fact through animal wisdom that health and disease depend on the eating and fasting and also on the quality of food.  Thus, if the food is helpful to the health it will also purify the blood and body.  On the basis of above discussion food can be divided into two categories – one for health and the other for disease. The first type is non-mucus forming and second mucus forming.

 Spoiled Foods:
Today, we eat chemically refined food and such food simply not fresh pure and whole.  The processed foods are refined with chemical additives. There should be nothing refined in food and no refined sugars, grains, flours etc.  No man made chemical should be used in fresh food. We should take natural honey as sweetener in our food. Dried fruits and sweet pure fruits and vegetables, which have no additives, should be in our food.

 Real Foods:
Raw vegetables` juice cures constipation and washes the intestines to make them mucus free. Fruits and green leaves vegetables are the model food for human.  Raw vegetables are included in the non-mucus forming foods, which purify our body.  In case of severe chronic disease we should consume fruits boiled in less water on low heat. This type of food will detoxify the mucus and poisons slowly from our body.

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